Job Bank

Are you interested in helping to eliminate racist policing in Bucks County? The NAACP Bucks County Reimagining Public Safety (RIPS) team was established in 2020 and works to achieve real and sustainable reform that results in policing that is effective, respects and protects human life, is fair and safe for all, and builds community trust.
We are looking for some volunteers to help with some short-term and longer-term initiatives.
Backgrounds that may be helpful: human resources, academia, quantitative social science, economics, criminal justice, legal (especially municipal law).
We hope you won't hesitate to contact us. A conversation is not a commitment!
Many thanks.
Write OpEds and Letters to the Editor for us. If this work is of interest to you, please email us here.
Data Analysis
Help us determine what type of data we should collect, assist with data acquisition and aggregation, help determine the most appropriate way to analyze the data, and assist with analyzing the data. The pace of this work is highly variable - approximately 8-16 hrs per month. If this is of interest to you, please email us here.
Project Management
Help track our tasks and ensure follow-ups are completed (we are juggling numerous tasks and working with 39 different police departments. Sometimes we need reminders so that we don’t forget to follow up on specific tasks.) If this work is of interest to you, please email us here.